Cameron: Utah Children's Photographer
Kids...where can I start? Do I have the right to talk deeply about these little humans...I'm not a momma yet. So what do I really know? I know that they can make you feel things. One minute they're tugging on my heart strings, the next I'm asking myself, "will I really be ready in a year or two?"
It's amazing to me how these little people have such adult like personalities. I feel that a large part of your childhood development plays a big part on who you will be as an adult. For this little guy below, he's really going to be a catch. For a lucky lady, for his teachers, his co-workers, friends, peers, family, etc. I adore him. He melts my heart, more than he makes me question the thought of being ready for mommyhood. He makes me CRAVE being a momma right now! :) This is Cameron. Sometimes we call him Cam or Camo. Or by special request, "Littlefoot". He is my new nephew. And I got a an Aunty. I've known him since he was just a tiny little guy. He just turned 4...I often forget that he's not 5.
He is a lover. He tells his momma often and out of nowhere that he loves her. He gives me hugs when I ask and he squeezes hard. He is a hero. On a recent camping trip, I was trying to have a chat with the very cute and shy little Chloe when Cam came up to me and said, "You have to be careful with her Aunt Amy, she's just this little." He is a dudes dude. All about dirt bikes, trains, nature, and being dirty. He is a good boy. He listens to Mom and Dad when they correct him. He has a soft heart. His feelings get hurt, and you know at the exact moment because he crosses his arms and looks down. He is funny. Really funny and talks with a little gravely sound in his voice when he tells jokes and stories--kind of sounds like Gonzo. Speaking of jokes, no matter what it is, the punch line is always, "because it's funny!!!!" And then he bursts out into contagious and loud laughter. And it always makes me laugh.
These are just a few of the reasons why he is amazing. I am so glad to know this little man and so exited to watch him grow into a big man.

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