Tuesday, June 1, 2010

New Product: Signature Books

I am now offering signature books for all of my portrait sessions! These are great for weddings and senior graduations.

Why have just a boring old sign in book when you could have one of these? There's even enough space for friends and family to leave a short message if they'd like. Oooo...I just got another idea! How about for a baby shower with maternity photos and photos of Mom and Dad inside. Wouldn't it be awesome to be the baby, but only years later, being able to look back at warm welcoming wishes from friends and family (and make fun of Mom and Dad's old hairdos). Priceless!
For questions and pricing, send me an email: amycloudphotography@hotmail.com

I made this one for my friend Ashley as her wedding shower gift! Happy Wednesday!


About Amy

I love to make wishes on falling stars, bday candles, at 11:11, and on fallen eye lashes. You could say I'm a dreamer, a hopeless romantic, and maybe a little bit corny. I like to be different and I feel that I see life through a different lens than most others. I tend to find beauty in everything. I feel like I'm fullfilling my purpose as a photographer when I can see and feel emotion and then create a lasting memory out of it. I've always been very creative. I watch people and when I see these beautiful moments, nothing makes me more happy than to freeze them in time.

I am extremely passionate about what I do, and I can't wait to meet you.

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