Happy Birthday...
...to one of my most favorite people on the planet! Today my sister-in-law, Austin, turns 27! I am so sad that I can't be there to celebrate with her today but so happy that good old AGB invented telephones.
I can't really describe her without going into major detail. There are so many great qualities about her that I adore and she has made my transition of moving to Utah so enjoyable and so much easier!
Before I hung up the phone with her this morning I told her to be sure and spoil herself today. I said, "what are your indulgences?" Her response, "FOOD!" This may not be as funny to you, Internet, but to me its hilarious because she is super fit and lean. This girl is the type of person who will look up the menu online before she heads out to a restaurant so she can make sure she has enough time to decide between all of the yummy dishes that the establishment has to offer. The right choice for her is very important and she is not here to disappoint her buds...taste buds that is.
I love you Aust and I hope you have a super wonderful day! Only one more week and I'll be headed your way with a great big hug! :) Love you sis!

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