Birthdays, Birthdays Everywhere!!!
Yes another birthday today to a very important person in my life. My baby brother. Except he really isn't a baby any more. He is a man. A 22 year old man. A man that I am very proud of but miss very much. I haven't seen him in over a year.
Dillon...where to start. Such a good little boy and we always got a long. We have a lot in common. We both love to read and excelled in music while in school. We both were always kind of quiet and shy but that changed for the both of us as we grew older. You think I'm artistic?? You should see this!
After HS he enlisted with the United States Navy and is currently stationed on a base in Norfolk, V.A. He has a beautiful little family who I don't see enough either. I was so lucky to get to see Whitney and the boys on their trip back to Iowa when I was also back in April. His two sons, Cal and Atticus, they have my heart. I am Aunt Cal likes to say. Okay enough about that I am getting all teary eye'd, Internet.
I am so proud of the man you have become Dillon. You are a great husband, an awesome daddy, and your willingness to serve our country makes you a very honorable man. I miss and think about you every day baby brother. Happy Golden Birthday! I love you.

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