Friday, January 29, 2010

Molly & Kyle: Engaged

Kudos to these two for braving the fa-fa-fa---FREEZING weather on this ice cold December day! I was lucky enough to have hand warmers in my coat pockets for a little bit of help but my hands literally felt like I'd shaken hands with Jack Frost himself. Not just the "hi, nice to meet ya," hand shake either. Good old Jack meant business that day. It was more of a "I want to do business with ya and make lots of money off of your company" type of hand shake. You know what I'm talking about? The one where it feels like the person is gonna shake your arm right out of the socket and off of your body? No doubt about it, I have a pretty good grip, but dang Jack! Ease up a bit! :) I cannot wait for spring to get here, and with spring comes the month of April. And with the month of April comes the wedding of these two wonderful people! Can't wait!


About Amy

I love to make wishes on falling stars, bday candles, at 11:11, and on fallen eye lashes. You could say I'm a dreamer, a hopeless romantic, and maybe a little bit corny. I like to be different and I feel that I see life through a different lens than most others. I tend to find beauty in everything. I feel like I'm fullfilling my purpose as a photographer when I can see and feel emotion and then create a lasting memory out of it. I've always been very creative. I watch people and when I see these beautiful moments, nothing makes me more happy than to freeze them in time.

I am extremely passionate about what I do, and I can't wait to meet you.

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