Happy Birthday To My Best Friend ♥
My bestest friend in the world is 24 today. I look at her and know that she is a grown woman but to me she is still little. She is still my little sister and I always have and always will have the feeling of wanting to take care of her. I'd do anything for her. She is the one person in life who has never strayed my side. We've had disagreements, and as kids--oh boy did we have disagreements, but we have always talked and worked things out. She gets me. And I get her. She holds me up because in more ways, she is a realist. She tells me the obvious when my head is too far up in the clouds.
Some random things about Katie that I think you would enjoy:
1. She was a tomboy as a kid--big time--she even had a "boyish" hair cut. But now she is all about wearing eye makeup, painting her fingernails, and curling her hair. She's still a tough girl though. I know she could kick my butt.
2. She has a strange obsession with miniature things. Like a mini version of well...anything. If I gave her a Hot Wheels for her birthday it would probably make her day.
3. She is an amazing cook and she pays attention to the minor details when in the kitchen. Eating a meal made by her is almost like going to a fancy restaurant. Almonds on my green beans?? YES PLEASE.
4. Speaking of kitchen--she likes collecting strange kitchen gadgets--especially mini versions. ;)
5. She listens to every single kind of music out there, stuff I've never heard of but she gets me to like.
6. She will come home and clean her house and the next day it looks like a tornado hit it. I think that's the creative part of her brain.
7. Speaking of creative (it runs in the fam) she is super artistic too. She is amazing with clay and can draw really well too. She has a tattoo she designed herself.
8. She's kind. I never see her be mean to anyone and at the same time don't really know much of anyone being mean to her. She's just really fun to be around and easy going.
9. She's the only person who wouldn't lie to me when I ask her "does this outfit make me look fat?"
10. She is real. As real as real can be. I admire her for her ability of always staying true to herself and just being Katie.
I love you little seester and I am so proud of the woman you have become. You have helped me and taught me things that I will hold on to forever. I miss you every day and I am so sorry I have missed out on your birthday again. I will be there in spirit. No tequila or peanut butter tonight. Call later!
XO {a}

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